Partial Status is when we partially refund the remains of an order. Sometimes for some reasons we are unable to deliver a full order, so we refund you the remaining undelivered amount.
Example: You bought an order with quantity 5000 and charges 5$, let's say we delivered 3000 and the remaining 2000 we couldn't deliver, then we will "Partial" the order and refund you the remaining 2000 (2$ in this example). This partial refunded amount will automacally adjust to your user balance.
Important: Partial order never eligible for refill. If an order got partial than, refill guarantee for that service will revoke auto and we are unable to refill such order.
If an order got partial, you can order again using other server.
Start count is the number of current followers, likes, views the page / post have which you order.
Example: Your Instagram page have 1000 followers now. If you order followers service on our website then the order start count will be 1000
Sometimes server got problem and unable to take order and it cancel the order. If any order got cancel, it automatically refund the money for that order too. Check the order it's cost 0. You can check your account balance too. In this case just order again.
If any service name have refill, please check the description for how many days it provide refill guarantee. On the other hand, if any service name have "No Refill" mean this is no gurantee service and it can drop at any time. If drop we are not responsible for it.
R30 means 30 days refill guarantee and R60 means 60 days Refill guarantee similarly it mentioned R99, R100 etc.
Drip Feed is a service that we are offering so you would be able to put the same order multiple times automatically.
Example: let's say you want to get 1000 likes on your Instagram Post but you want to get 100 likes each 30 minutes. So, here is how to do that?
Link: Your Post Link
Quantity: 100
Runs: 10 (as you want to run this order 10 times, if you want to get 2000 likes, you will run it 20 times, etc…)
Interval: 30 (because you want to get 100 likes on your post each 30 minutes, if you want each hour, you will put 60 because the time is in minutes)
P.S: Never order more quantity than the maximum which is written on the service name (Quantity x Runs)
Example: if the service's max is 4000, you don’t put Quantity: 500 and Run: 10, because total quantity will be 500x10 = 5000 which is bigger than the service max (4000).
Also never put the Interval below the actual start time (some services need 60 minutes to start, don’t put Interval less than the service start time or it will cause a fail in your order).
You put the service ID followed by | followed by the link followed by | followed by quantity on each line To get the service ID of a service please check here:
Let’s say you want to use the Mass Order to add Instagram Followers to your 3 accounts: abcd, asdf, qwer
From the Services List @, the service ID for this service “Instagram Followers [15K] [REAL] ?????” is 102
Let’s say you want to add 1000 followers for each account, the output will be like this:
or in this example:
That mean the service have no drop issue right now but this is a no refill service. So, we are unable to refill a single follower / like even if it drop 100% due to server issue or social media update.
Make sure to use refill guaranteed service, if you want to get refill in drop case. Don't reach us for refill after purchase a no refill service
As the wholesale smm panel we sell services at wholesale rate. Sorry to inform you that, service price is 100% fixed here. We set service price so tight that there is no more option to do more less. Every customer here is a reseller like you. So, the prices that you see at our services page are the prices that you get!
Drip Feed doesn't work with neither "Mass Order" nor API
Find the timestamp that is located next to your username above your comment (for example: "3 days ago") and hover over it then right click and "Copy Link Address".
The link will be something like this: instead of just
To be sure that you got the correct link, paste it in your browser's address bar and you will see that the comment is now the first one below the video and it says "Highlighted comment".
Instagram Mention is when you mention someone on Instagram (example @abcde this means you have mentioned abcde under this post and abcde will receive a notification to check the post).
Basically the Instagram Mentions [User Followers], you put the link of your post, and the username of the person that you want us to mention HIS FOLLOWERS!
This is automatic server so after place order we can't edit, change, cancel an order even if you insert wrong link. Sometimes our server can find out wrong link and cancel it but this is very rare.
Ifserver consider order complete without delivery we can't refund and refill.
That mean the service lot size is 100 and you have to order minimum 100 and if you want to order more than you have to order 200, 500, 700, 1000 etc. [Not 120, 550, 780, 1070 etc]
As a main provider we offer child panel service to resellers. You can buy our child panel and can resell our services from your own website